I hope that everyone is doing well during this phase. I have been merrily cooking for hours a day trying out new things. I have to admit that I am getting a little burnt out. It’s kindof crazy when you cook most of the day but then really don’t have anything to eat! It’s also been a good time to try things I keep meaning to- such as jackfruit. So in a moment of kitchen fatigue I finally grabbed one of the cans I had in the cupboard and made this Saucy Jackfruit Sandwich.
What is Jackfruit?
I have seen jackfruit in Whole Foods, but I am also seeing it more often in smaller markets too. When whole the fruit is about the size of a watermelon with rough dragonesque spikes for a skin. Inside are yellowish pods of flesh that when pulled apart have a stringy like quality, akin to slow cooked beef or pork. It also has a similar texture and a neutral taste. For those of you who have folks in your life that can’t quite get into cauliflower tacos- this is a fantastic solution. Most typically jackfruit is used to make sandwiches like this one, but you can also use it to make tacos, burritos, in soups, pot pies, hand pies, ragu… you get the idea. It’s the most convincing non-meat food out there.
I have not tried it fresh (that’s next), but instead used a can from Trader Joe’s. I have also seen it pre-seasoned at Whole Foods and in various freezer sections. Jackfruit can be eaten ripe, which is sweet and used for desserts, or underripe, which I used here. Just be sure when you’re shopping that you pick up the correct style.

Good for you?
Jackfruit is remarkably good for you. It has lots of vitamin C, Potassium, Protein, Fiber and has a low glycemic index. The only warning I found about eating jackfruit was a message to diabetics to monitor their medication due to the blood sugar lowering effect of eating too much. How about that?!
I also like it because it’s like having a can of tuna in the cupboard. It’s just sitting there ready to help me when I need a last minute meal and no time.

Drain and rinse the jackfruit. You want to remove as much of the brine as possible. Flake apart the flesh and remove the round seeds and discard. In a sautee pan, cook the jackfruit to give it some color and dry it out a little bit. Add the BBQ sauce, the gochujang and a little water to make a sauce. Lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes. And that is it my friends. Just build your sandwich and have at it.